Artificial intelligence is a matter of trust

| #Technology

Securitas Direct hosted the first SYMPOSIUM DIRECT on June 3, 2024 in the clubhouse of its partner, the Swiss Bike Park Oberried Foundation. The event was dedicated to the topic "AI for SMEs: Creating the future today". Renowned experts from business, development, technology and research shed light on the diverse applications and implications of artificial intelligence (AI), discussed legal and ethical aspects, ventured visions of the future and also addressed the question: "Will AI cost us our jobs?"

Around 200 entrepreneurs from Switzerland gathered at the Swiss Bike Park, taking the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into the opportunities and challenges that artificial intelligence holds for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Learning, sharing and passing on knowledge, exchanging and connecting: this is what SYMPOSIUM DIRECT stands for.


From the beginnings of the internet to AI hype: Switzerland on the road to the digital future

In the early 1990s, the door to the World Wide Web opened for the Swiss population. The first e-mails were sent, initially in scientific and academic circles. At the same time, the development of artificial intelligence, which had been making steady progress since the mid-1950s, went largely unnoticed by the public.

Although more than half of the Swiss population had not yet actively used AI by 2022, the technology has become increasingly embedded in our everyday lives in recent years. Voice assistants, recommendation systems and smart applications have found their way into households and businesses.

OpenAI made its big breakthrough in the public consciousness at the end of 2022 with the release of ChatGPT.

This chatbot triggered a veritable hype and contributed to AI suddenly being on everyone's lips.